Breaking News Federal Govt Finally Increased Summer Vacations 2024

As all we know Islamabad’s summer break is scheduled to finish on July 31 for both public and private schools. Federal schools began their summer break on June 1 and continued through July 31, 2024. 

The Federal Education Department has decided to prolong the summer break for schools due to intense heat waves till August 14 , 2024. Additionaly, The summer vacation in Punjab was extended till August 14 by the authorities, claiming the intense heat in the region. Also visit: Zefoy Tiktok and 8171 Portal.

After the announcement of Sindh and Punjab regarding the extension of summer vacations. The Ministry of Education declared on Sunday that the summer vacation for Federal educational institutions had been extended until August 4 due to the ongoing heat wave throughout the country.

According to the Ministry of Education, all government schools are going to be closed from August 1 through August 4 and get back to on August, 5 2024. Also try: AIOU DTS and AIOU LMS.


There are many things that Governmnet should keep in mind before opening schools in Sumer:

  • Every schools must have fully functioned cold water coolers so that students can drink cold water during this high intense heat.
  • Every school must have a pharmacy or a room for medical assistance if any students feel munconsious during summer he/she wil get sudden medical help.
  • Everry classroom must have a window for air movement.
  • Lastly, parents needs to make sure that their kids must have a cold water bottle before going school. As hydration is the main key to get relief from summer heatwaves.

Also Visit: Event Date Announced For Position Holders By Govt and Latest News Govt Thinking To Change The School Timing

Does Ferderal Government announced to increase the summer vacations?

Yes, According to the latest media news, The Ministry Federal of Education declared that summer vacations will be exceed till 4, August 2024. All the private and Governmnet schools in Islamabad will reopened from 5, August 2024.

Is there any chance of increase in the summer vacations?

As per media resources, The Government of Sindh and Punjab already announced the increase of summer vacations in the region upto 14, August 2024. Recently The Federal government make a decision to closed all the schools that comes under the Federal regoin till 4, August.

What is the official date announced by the Federal Government to reopen the Schools?

The ministry of education Dr. Khalid Maqbool Siddiqui set 5, August 2024 as the reopeoning date for all the Scools under Federeral Government.

Is there any chance of increasing the summer vacation up to 14 August in Islamabad?

No, there are no chances of increasing summer breaks upto 14 August in Islamabad.

Congratulations!! To the students of Islamabad, as the Federal government announced on 28, July to exceed the summer vacation in Islamabad. The Ministry of Education make it clear to all the Private and Governmnet schools to remain close till 4, August 2024. Enjoy your vacations and be prepare for your school as the opening date is also announced by the Government.

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