Greetings to our EOBI Login portal!
Here is the list of rules and regulations of our website that are given in detail for our visitors at
When our visitor visits our website to see the knowledge and information, it is assumed that he agrees with our terms and conditions. If you do not accept our rules and regulations related to our website we request you to not further proceed.
Here is the complete list of our rules and regulations. Titles for those rules and regulations are mentioned.
- Cookie Usage
- Licensing
- Linking to Our Content
- iFrames Usage
- Content Responsibility
- Your Privacy Matters
- Retention of Rights
- Removing Links from Our Website
- Disclaimer on Cookie Usage
We mostly use cookies. When a visitor visits our website it shows that he agrees with our privacy policy. If someone does not agree with our privacy and terms we do not encourage them to use our portal.
When we use cookies on our website, it helps us to get the data for our website from their visit. The cookies we use are for the betterment of our website visitors. It helps us to maintain our website wisely.
This is written or not written in the website rules and regulations but the intellectual property rights and other material on our website are licensed to our portal. All the rights on our website are reserved by our website. You can use our website for information and use our sources for EOBi pensions but can not infringe on our terms and conditions.
You Bust Not
As we have a license of our website material and we own it, you can not use our data for publishing on other sites or anywhere else. You can not even sell our published data to anyone at any price. You can not reproduce our website data by any means. You can not even copy our data because we own the license of our data and website. You can not even redistribute our website data to anyone. On various parts of the website, there are certain comments and other material that is involved in various opinions of people. We can not even judge the opinions of various people on our website.
We have the right to observe the comments of people who are stakeholders of our website. If they are visiting our website it means they are a stakeholder of our website. We can even remove unwanted comments from unwanted visitors to keep our website clean and clear.
You Warrant And Represent That
If you want to post comments on our website you can do so because we allow you to do so. You can post any comments that are relevant to the data and information we post on our website. We suggest you post comments that are relevant to our post and do not infringe on the rights of our visitors. The comment can be an intellectual base and it should not be from any other copyright website. It should be label-free. Comments should not be used to affect the copyright of any other website.
If you are an independent department and want us to link your website you can send us an email and type if you are interested in our website. In the email please type your name and address on your website. You should type your email address if you want us to reply to your email. You can go to our Contact Us page write the right information and send us. We will check the authenticity of your email and will reply to you within 24 hours.
Content Liability
We want you to assure us to link your website with our website. We do not want you to link your website if your website is not worthy. It will affect our authority and also will damage our image in Google. We do not want to degrade our website for linking.
Your Privacy
Please read the Privacy Policy
Reservation Of Rights
When you link our website with your website we will have the right to ask you to delete our website link from your website. If we think your link is misleading or misbehaving with our visitors we will ask you to remove the link immediately. You need to be assured when you try to link with our website that your content is legit and you will not be involved in any illegal activity.2
We do not give you the guarantee that our content be legit and correct. We just want you to be aware of any type of content our website has. Do not just copy-paste our website content to link your website with our website. We do not ensure the authenticity of our website knowledge.
We again want to inform you we do not save you from any type of harm our website will give you. This can be any type of information or this can be any type of misleading behavior.
Under the law, our website does not give any type of warranty to our visitors to protect you from the comments of people on our website. We just provide free of charge all the services. We do not demand any type of money or charges from our visitors. We just want you to enhance our exposure by submitting reviews related to our website.
As long as we provide authentic information related to EOBI Pension Login, we highly search for the accuracy of the data published on our website.